TheManCompany Coupons & Offers - January 2025
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30 DaysConfirmed By
19/04/25Missing Claim Yes
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How it works
How It Work
Earning cashback is as easy as 1-2-3-4…
Login/Join Rewarddunia and browse thousands of coupons & deals from hundreds of online stores.
After a purchase, the transaction gets tracked within 6 hours and the cashback is credited to your account.
On reaching a minimum threshold of US$100 or more as ‘Confirmed’ Cashback you can withdraw the cashback.
Best discounts from TheManCompany
- The minimum amount to withdraw is 1000.
- We have made sure that you have the possibility of withdrawal without any commissions and hidden fees.
- After a purchase, the transaction gets tracked within 72 hours and the cashback is credited to your account.
- On reaching a minimum threshold of $100 or more as ‘Confirmed Cashback’ you can withdraw the cashback.
To Ensure Planting Is Successful:
- Tracking Time: 1 Hour
- Missing Cashback Tickets: Accepted
- Confirmation Timeline: 70 days
- Cashback on The Man Company App orders: Not applicable
It Is Not Qualified For:
- Cashback might track at lower or higher value but will be corrected at the time of Confirmation
- Do not visit any other coupon or deal site after clicking-out from RewardDunia
- No Cashback is applicable if you cancel your The Man Company order
- If your Cashback does not track, raise a Missing Cashback ticket within 10 days from the order date
- Do not use a coupon code which is not mentioned on RewardDunia
- Please send Cashback related queries to RewardDunia only, not to The Man Company